Age: 125
7990 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
hellz yeah man!! u seen one of waris baig's videos?!
he's prancing around in the rain, with a see-thru shirt. u could see his muscles. he makes hulk hogan's pythons look like little garden snakes. LOL. (J/K)
salman looks chup chup cause he knows his role. when ur standin' next 2 royalty like waris, u show come respect. LOL (J/K)
Age: 125
7990 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
badshah, u said keep the comments comin', and now it'll be hard 2 shut me up. lol
u know, waris could show off his body as well, but hes a nice guy. he didnt want salman khan 2 get jealous. so he covered up his 24 inch pythons and his 6 pack abs under that zeebra shirt.
u lucked out this time salman, but next time, waris wont be so nice. he'll unleash the beast under that funky shirt. lol
Age: 125
7990 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
interesting facts abt pakistan...just 4 the hell of it!
-the first traces of cotton were found in pakistan!
-when the morse code was being tested to link 2 seperate continents, the two places were london and bombay. but the first test failed. so they linked london and karachi and VOILA!!! 2 continents were able to communicate for the first time ever, electronically!!
Age: 125
7990 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
lol @ yas. so tru. the best pakistani accented words r: amreeka (america) bir-day (birthday) vaatar (water) and ofcourse...loozar (loser)!!!
scotchtape.....ur the best. thanks! i KNEW u'd have the bigger version of that pic! and even tho the scans r old, i've never seen 'em so they're like new 2 me. if u ever find new amna haq pics...keep me posted, please.
i hope amna haq doesn't keep that hair on her forehead anymore. it makes her look odd.
Age: 125
7990 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
hevent seen maa either yet, but i think the story the is same ol same fortune has 2 go 2 one of the brothers or sisters...
lol. that paki accent is music 2 my ears!! its better than any other accent like the chineese or russian one. atleast people can understand our accent. lol
Age: 125
7990 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
i c i c!
i had no idea pakistan had such a profressional fashion mag?! nice!
now would u do me a huge favour? could u post the latest amna haq pics?! i called 4 u in the other topic a while back, but u didn't reply!! ur the only 1 with up2date pics! if u could please post 'em i'd be very greatful!
Age: 125
7990 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
Points: 0
Canada, Canada
by labelling someone as 'modern' or 'modern-day' it is meant that such people adopt RECENT ideas, methods, techniquies etc. of society!
applying this to pakistan and its government: many young pakistani's who are in tune with politics and who genuinely want pakistan to move ahead in the world - support prez. musharraf! they are modern, in that, they understand whats best 4 the country (getting rid of extemeists, putting money into education, arts etc.)!!